March 19, 2011

Ticky Tacky Little Boxes (again).

After some serious number crunching, deliberation and with much hesitation, Caley and I have decided that we are going to move back to Denver for a spell. San Francisco has been a wonderful experience but we are rambling souls... Wow, this sounds like a fucking press release!
Anyway, my dear friend Alison (who has gone back to Italy to live, hopefully I can go visit this summer!) shared a great song about moving away from San Francisco with me the other day and being inspired by all of these video-folk I've been around in the last week, I decided to make a video of it. It was so interesting for me to see how the titles of my books are pretty indicative of my thoughts on the matter. I haven't done anything like this in a few years so bear with me!

One Book at a Time. from Whitney Van Cleave on Vimeo.

I also found Austin Kleon's Newspaper Blackout which I bought at last year's SXSW and hardly opened. Here are some gems from that: 

The mythically remote fantastic scuffle compellingly nowhere but at the same time idealized, complicated.

Dive Bar 
In a dive bar, real people would have left long ago.

On Top of the Wheat Silos
On top of the wheat silos, we see the birds venture farther from their nests than we ever have.

That's all for now folks. PS - New photos on the ol' Flickr page (film coming this week hopefully)!

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